Allyson Pittman Gattin Named to Arkansas Business’ 40 Under 40

Our public relations director, Allyson Pittman Gattin, was named to the prestigious Arkansas Business 40 Under 40 list for 2024. Here is her feature explaining her professional achievements, community involvement and life journey so far.

Professional achievements
• Accredited member of the Public Relations Society of America.
• Supported the Peacock Group’s team in winning five Arkansas PRSA Prism Awards, including the Bob Sells Best of Show Award.
• Helped the Peacock Group double its revenue and client count.

Community involvement
Co-founded the Central Arkansas Diaper Bank and is a board member; on the board of the Wolfe Street Foundation and co-chair of the Red Carpet Recovery Gala; secretary of the Arkansas chapter of the PRSA; a Fulbright Elementary PTA board member.

Professional inspiration
“As a third-generation PR professional, my inspirations are my mom and grandfather. I grew up watching how they used the art of storytelling to help advance companies, organizations, advocacy work and more. I want to do the same and make a meaningful mark.”

Career dream as a child
“I always dreamed of going into broadcasting. I vividly recall a class project where we created a fictitious city, and my ‘job’ was running the radio station. While I didn’t follow that track, I’m grateful for the opportunity to leverage my passion for communications.”

Most fulfilling career moment
“My most fulfilling career moment was working with Every Mother Counts on releasing its documentary, ‘Giving Birth in America: Arkansas.’ As a woman and a mom, working on a vital project that shed light on Arkansas’ maternal health crisis was deeply meaningful.”

Learning from a mentor
“My mentor, Denver Peacock, serves as both my boss and a pivotal figure in my career development. When I embarked on the journey to attain my accreditation in public relations, Denver became my go-to source for guidance and support. Amid moments of self-doubt, he offered unwavering reassurance, took the time to review my presentation thoroughly and remained my staunchest advocate throughout the entire process. Having a seasoned professional like him in my corner provided invaluable insights and instilled the confidence I needed to navigate and overcome the challenges of the accreditation process. Denver’s mentorship extends beyond the workplace, shaping my professional identity and fostering my growth as a capable and confident individual within the public relations industry.”

Most valuable lesson
The most valuable lesson I’ve learned is that ‘Jesus does not call the qualified; rather, he qualifies the called.’ This phrase resonates deeply with me, especially in my experience founding and operating the Central Arkansas Diaper Bank. When my team and I recognized a need in our community, we stepped in to find a solution, despite our lack of expertise in running such a ministry. Over the past five years, we’ve distributed more than 600,000 diapers to families across central Arkansas. This journey taught me that passion and determination can overcome any initial lack of qualifications.”

To read her complete Q&A in Arkansas Business, CLICK HERE.


The Peacock Group Wins 15 Arkansas PRSA Prism Awards, Including Bob Sells Best of Show Award


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